Five Cool Things #3 💀🌱🕯
On having a body, degrowth is inevitable, and "becoming a light in the darkness"
Quick one today, gotta get ready to record a podcast with Doomer Optimism later today!
This week’s theme is “the realities of living off-grid”.
Podcast | Tomorrow, Today: “The Domestic Revolution, with Ruth Goodman”
Tomorrow, Today is a podcast by the same folks who do Poor Proles Almanac, which covers similar subject matter to Tomorrow, Today, but with a more agro-ecological focus.
Ruth Goodman is a historian who studies the patterns and impact of domestic work. She’s also the host of the “Farms series” with BBC (Wartime Farms, Tutor Farms, Victorian Farms). She discusses these topics in the context of modern preparedness, community, and domestic life.
Ruth is delightful to listen to, and I enjoyed this episode. Her hottest take is that history is more shaped by domestic life and our habits of consumption, rather than the “Great Men of History”.
”Traditionally, until very recently, almost all history was the family history of the rich. And that has skewed our understanding of what’s important and what’s not important–and of what history *is*.
Tweet | “How often do you give thanks to your body?”
This tweet resonates. I recently came across that thought that “we aren’t the owners of our bodies, but merely stewards”.
Upon googling, this phrase seems to have originated in modern Christendom, which I’m not mad at.
The idea of “stewardship, not ownership” also vibes with a sustainable approach to land and ecologies.
Here is a curated tweet thread about having a body, in three acts.

Poem | “Becoming a Light in the Darkness”
I learned about this poem from a Tyler Alterman tweet. It’s from The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Here’s the first few stanzas.

Recipe | Beef and Cabbage Stir Fry
This beef and cabbage stir fry recipe looks tasty. I plan on making it soon.
Video Game | “With Those We Love Alive” – by Charity Heartscape Porpentine
An online dystopian, choose-your-own-adventure text-based game. Probably one of my favorite experiences available on the internet. Trust me.
Weekly Recap
This week I published two posts at TTSE.
“Prepping Won’t Solve Your Problems” – I relate my journey to “find a tribe”, and evaluate preparedness, versus the “lived resilience” of participating in networks of care in your community.
“Bringing Back Social Clubs (but for Weirdos)” – I muse on searching for a sense of belonging in my adult life. Also, I propose to start an online club for "Lonely Hearts”, i.e. people who are trying to find a lover or friend.
I did some work putting in insulation in a tiny house at Cabin’s Neighborhood Zero.
That’s all for this week. Share this with your friends if you dug it!